Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Don't grow up so much that you're dead.

A month ago we got a phone call that the Contraption Captain's mother had fallen and seriously injured her ankle.  She went from being a very energetic cheerful person to a very energetic cheerful person who needed surgery and then needed to use a walker.  Since then she has progressed and is now walking with a boot that stabilizes the ankle and only occasional walker use. 

The part of all this that was just mean-spirited somehow is that she broke her ankle falling off her bicycle.  And you know, the Captain and I are pretty big on the bicycling thing and probably (okay definitely) encouraged the acquisition of the nice bicycle that was involved in the accident.  No one blamed us but still, bicycle + fall + broken ankle + someone you like = depressing. 

What was good:  She was not hit by a car.  She was bicycling on a dirt road with big ruts and the tire caught and she fell.  It's good because if a person driving a car had hit her I might have had to hunt them down and kill them.

What was bad:  She broke her ankle falling off a bicycle and I love bicycles.

What was also bad:  She had to be carried out of there, it was at least a midlly remote location.  It can't have been a very fun experience.

Why am I telling you this now?? 

So we've been in touch and sent Get Well cards and some goodies and she's slowly improving and getting her mobility back.  Over the weekend she told the Contraption Captain (who then told me) that someone at her Church had told her that maybe now she'd "grow up" and stop trying to do things like ride a bicycle.  My mother-in-law relayed this to the Contraption Captain very indignantly.  She replied back to the person who was telling her to grow up that as soon as she was well enough she hoped to be back on her bicycle, riding around and enjoying the New Mexico weather.*

So, here's a toast to those who get back on their bicycles.  It takes courage.  And best wishes for a speedy complete recovery to the beautiful S, a lady as pleasant as I am bad-tempered.**

*She says no more dirt roads for awhile, though.  Possibly ever.
**She doesn't like bad language so I left it out of this update.  I like her that much. 

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